最近在看 Rust 的官方教學,想不到第一關要安裝 Rust 就卡關了哈哈
照 Rust 官方教學寫的,在 mac 中要安裝 Rust 輸入以下指令:
$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.3 https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
curl: (4) A requested feature, protocol or option was not found built-in in this libcurl due to a build-time decision.
查了一下是因為用 Homebrew 安裝的 curl 並不支援 -tls 這個 option,因此只要將 --tls
$ curl --proto '=https' https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
Table of Contents
安裝教學- Rust 程式設計語言
curl: (4) A requested feature, protocol or option was not found built-in in this libcurl due to a build-time decision. #181